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inVC mengatasi masalah bandwidth rendah dan fungsi pada pengoptimalan sambil memastikan pengguna selalu memiliki pengalaman yang lancar selama konferensi video.
Raih produktivitas saat bekerja di perangkat apa pun, termasuk browser, ponsel cerdas, tablet, dan laptop. Akses perangkat lunak kami yang kompatibel dengan pembaruan otomatis.
Jendela video kecil tidak memerlukan aliran video berkualitas tinggi. Jadi, kami membantu Anda beralih ke streaming dengan kualitas lebih rendah dan meningkatkan retensi untuk konten langsung sesuai dengan ukuran layar.
Antarmuka yang ramah pengguna memungkinkan pengguna untuk dengan cepat memahami cara menggunakan perangkat lunak. Jika hilang, opsi pencarian cepat bawaan membantu Anda dalam perjalanan.
InVC dapat diskalakan dan dapat dengan mudah beradaptasi dengan peningkatan ukuran organisasi Anda, dari segelintir pengguna hingga ribuan. Ini memberikan pengalaman yang mulus untuk semua orang.
Semua konten saat pengiriman dilindungi dengan enkripsi AES 128-bit, yang secara efektif meminimalkan pelanggaran dan gangguan keamanan sambil mengontrol akses.
InVC menawarkan paket yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya, tetapi harganya dapat disesuaikan untuk mengembangkan paket yang memenuhi persyaratan spesifik organisasi Anda.
Tim dukungan membantu menyiapkan rapat untuk organisasi Anda dan menawarkan pelatihan. Staf kami memberikan dukungan instan setelah terjadinya masalah teknis atau lainnya.
SFU dan SVC bergabung untuk membentuk aliran video bitrate berkualitas dan memenuhi kebutuhan klien dengan bandwidth masing-masing, sementara Simulcast membantu penyandian uap video dua kali.
Sederhana – Aman – Skalabel
Easy mobile access enables you to host a conference from anywhere and at anytime seamlessly. Connect instantly with our super-convenient video solution as presence detection helps in starting wireless conferencing and interactive collaboration.
Show the audience slides, images, videos, and other important content from your screen with screen sharing. Engage your audience as the voice detecting camera focuses on the speaker and the audio devices managing a similar pitch through the session.
InVC provides conference recording and anytime access for your recorded conferences. Easily save all the recorded information over the video conference recordings and search or share whenever necessary while capturing and securing them on high resolution.
With the Host Control option, decide whose screens should be visible, whose mics should be switched on, and who can share their screen. Thus, inVC provides a conference control protocol for a highly interactive conference paradigm and its collaboration environment.
Know what participants' opinions on important matters are by quickly conducting polls and surveys. This improves gaining mutual awareness while receiving fast participants' feedback without significantly impacting the consumed bandwidth.
Draw diagrams, flow charts, and graphs during a video call with the help of the Whiteboard. Spread modern business strategies among internal teams, suppliers, partners, investors, and customers with easier adoption and collaboration using inVC.
Menarik- Nyaman- Memberdayakan
As Meetings will be hosted on your server on- premises, the safety of your data will be entirely your responsibility. On Cloud, Meetings is hosted on our servers, and we promise an enterprise grade security system with end-to-end encryption and protection from loss of data.
Deployment on Cloud server is instant as it does not require any IT interference from the client side. On-premises, due to the degree of customisation and integration with client IT infrastructure, the standard deployment time will depend on the size and complexity of the client organisation.
On Cloud, software upgrades happen automatically, and on a regular basis to enhance user experiences. On-premise, the software upgradations work on an on-demand basis and over a higher degree of customization.
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